
Dear Friends,

Here’s a small taste of what I have been up to both in D.C. and our beautiful state.

Keeping our Government Open to Serve You

Extreme House Republicans once again brought us to the brink of a government shutdown. I voted for a temporary Continuing Resolution (CR) to maintain federal funding at current levels until January 19 and February 2, 2024. The two dates apply to different agencies. Democrats were joined by 127 Republicans in passing this CR to keep our government open. Under Republican House Leadership, there has been a lot of chaos around passing our funding bills that were supposed to be done on September 30.

Thankfully, the CR also extended important Farm Bill programs that New Mexicans rely on for health care, nutrition, crop support, and so much more. I will continue to push for a bipartisan Farm Bill that reflects the important input we have gathered from our constituents across our district.

We must still pass full, permanent funding for all our federal programs consistent with the bipartisan Fiscal Responsibility Act. Last Congress, under Democratic leadership, we increased funding to address our climate crisis, education, and health care; we made significant investments that will lower costs and help grow the middle class. We invested in rural America at a rate not seen since the New Deal. Under the Fiscal Responsibility Act, these programs should not be cut. I will fight to keep funding these programs because I believe in investing in our communities to create hope and a prosperous future.


Click here to watch my floor speech on the extreme Republican spending bill

I went to the House floor to speak out against yet another Republican spending bill that slashed funding by 58% and went back on the bipartisan Fiscal Responsibility Act, which set the limits for our federal spending. The extreme Republican bill would have opened the door for scammers to take Americans’ hard-earned savings while also making it easier for the rich to cheat on their taxes. Thankfully, enough Republicans joined with the House Democrats to kill consideration of this dangerous spending bill.

Two Years of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law


On November 15, we celebrated the second anniversary of the biggest investment in our infrastructure in generations becoming law. So far, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has provided more than $4.4 billion for 338 announced projects in New Mexico — and we're just getting started!

These funds are fixing our highways, cleaning up polluted wells, providing internet to rural communities, and protecting our precious water resources.

Learn more here about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law's impact in New Mexico.

Working in the District

Honoring Our Veterans


On Veterans Day, I had the honor to speak at Santa Fe’s Veterans Day Observance at the Bataan Memorial. I have said time and time again that it is not enough to thank veterans for their service; we have an obligation as a nation to provide them with the services they have earned. Last Congress, we helped pass some of the largest increases in funding for veteran services in our nation’s history, but we still have a lot more work to do. I remain dedicated to holding the VA accountable and supporting the health and well-being of every veteran.

El Congreso de las Acequias

At the Congreso de las Acequias, we honored the Taos Valley Acequia Association and the resilience of our acequias. These irrigation systems, which have been part of our lives for over 300 years, are key to our agricultural economy and our sense of community. I also shared the good news about the funding we’ve secured and new legislation I’m pushing granting acequias and acequia-dependent communities recognition by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and disaster relief programs. We want to boost support for water-saving tech. Exciting times ahead for protecting our water legacy together!


Enjoying Our World-Class Art Scene

I experienced the transformative power of Yjastros' performance of ‘Xicano Power’ — which tells the story of our passion and resilience through beautiful music and flamenco dance. I believe art is community and this powerful work proves just that.



Important Updates for New Mexicans

Were you impacted by the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon fire?

The Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Office is hosting new Advocate Connect Hours! Stop by one of their sessions in Mora or Las Vegas if you have questions about the claims process.


Affordable Connectivity Program

As we expand high-speed internet service to our rural communities, we’re making it more affordable, too. The Affordable Connectivity Program can help you save up to $30 per month on your internet service wherever you live. However, we want to shout out that if you live on Tribal lands, you can save up to $75 per month on your internet bill. Apply for the FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program at

Health Care Open Enrollment

Affordable, reliable health care coverage is available NOW at This year, 4 out of 5 Americans can find plans for less than $10 a month!

You have until December 15 to enroll in a plan that starts at the beginning of 2024. Stay healthy, New Mexico!

Medicare Open Enrollment

Medicare Open Enrollment is here! Review your current Medicare coverage, and compare it to the 2024 prescription drug & health coverage options in our area at

The deadline to enroll for a 2024 plan is December 7, so sign up today!

Job and Internship Openings

We’re hiring! My office is looking for a motivated, organized, and team-oriented person to join our Santa Fe team. Click here for more information:


We are also hiring interns! My district and D.C. offices are looking for eager individuals seeking a meaningful experience that will enhance their understanding of Congress. Full-time interns are compensated with a $1,500 stipend per month. Click here to learn more and apply today:


Follow me on Twitter @RepTeresaLF!




Teresa Leger Fernández

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