Network News


New Guide to Remote Legal Support

The Immigration Advocates Network, Pro Bono Net, and partners are proud to publish "Remote Legal Support: A Guide for Nonprofit and Pro Bono Innovation."  The manual has "how to" information on reaching rural and underserved communities to improve access to justice. It is the culmination of a year's work with our national partners and IAN members, collecting data, creating program profiles, and identifying best practices. It features key findings from the national survey results, to share the nonprofit immigration field's experience and interest. The manual profiles successful Remote Legal Support (RLS) programs, including program logistics, processes, challenges, tools, checklists, sample documents, and best practices. It includes projects and models from across the nonprofit sector. Click here for the manual, and learn how your organization can set up a remote project. 


Citizenshipworks in the Fast Lane

Attendees at a recent naturalization workshop opted for the fast lane: they completed more than 90% of their applications on Citizenshipworks ahead of time, and sped through the event. Workshop organizers from the Jersey City Division of Immigrant Affairs, GMHC, and NALEO Educational Fund invited the registrants to start in advance. On the day of the workshop, legal advocates reviewed their near-complete applications online. Providers across the country, from OCCORD in Anaheim, CA to Catholic Legal Services in Miami, FL, have added a Citizenshipworks fast lane to their events. Fast lane participants can be in and out in half the time. They also have higher attendance rates and require less follow-up. Interested in adding a Citizenshipworks fast lane to your next event? Email us at [email protected].

Latest from the Immigration Advocates Network 

We are renovating and updating the immigrationadvocates.org Nonprofit Resource Center! We will streamline library content to feature the top training materials, with a focus on helping new practitioners and volunteers get started. We will continue to post Alerts every week, to keep our more experienced IAN members informed on the latest legal developments, training materials, and policies. 

This past year we had:

  • nearly 32,000 visits to IAN's Nonprofit Resource Center;

  • 26,500 views of library materials;

  • 16,000 views of alerts; and
  • 6,500 attachment downloads.


We have invited our national partners and other experts to send us their favorite getting-started materials.  We'll keep you posted as we update the library sections on immigration practice, asylum, enforcement, crime, naturalization, and more. 


Find the latest news and developments on our home page at www.immigrationadvocates.org. Join the Immigration Advocates Network - membership is free to nonprofit staff and pro bono counsel.

Jobs in Immigrant Advocacy
Director - Migration and Refugee Services, Catholic Charities West Virginia 
Charleston/Morgantown, WV
Position Open Until Filled

Staff Attorney - Detention Program, Americans for Immigrant Justice

Miami, FL
Position Open Until Filled

Staff Attorney, Al Otro Lado

San Diego, CA / Tijuana, Mexico
Position Open Until Filled

Staff Attorney - Detained Program, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
New York, NY
Position Open Until Filled

For more jobs visit https://www.immigrationadvocates.org/nonprofit/jobs/. If you’d like to share a job listing, email [email protected].

About Immigration Advocates Network

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a program of Pro Bono Net, is dedicated to expanding access to immigration legal resources and information through collaboration and technology. We create our own tools, build platforms for others, and work with partners to harness the power of technology to better support immigrants and their advocates.

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