I’ll get right to the point, John. The next 6 weeks are the most important fundraising weeks of the year for us.

And for the next 36 hours, a generous donor will match ALL donations.

$10 → $20
$25 → $50
$50 → $100
Other Amount

Before becoming March For Our Lives’ Executive Director earlier this year, it was my job to make sure that our movement had the resources we needed.

For organizing.

For training up youth leaders.

For fighting back against dangerous laws — and helping pass bills that will save lives.

For putting pressure on our elected officials to do what’s right.

Together we’re pushing the boundaries of what’s possible for gun safety and building a generation of gun safety advocates, changemakers, activists, and leaders ready to take the torch and continue the fight to end gun violence. (You did that!)

But our work isn’t done.

And I can tell you one thing: grassroots donors like you power our movement. The only reason we’re still standing strong is because supporters like YOU believe in our movement.

For Giving Tuesday, a generous donor is matching EVERY DOLLAR you donate between now and tomorrow at midnight. If you can, chip in now toward our $100,000 Giving Tuesday Fund to invest in our long-term vision:

Give Today

Thanks for your unwavering support in our fight to ensure every community is safe.

In solidarity,

Natalie Fall
Executive Director
March For Our Lives

Gabby Gifford and Natalie Fall

Paid for by March for Our Lives
March For Our Lives
P.O. Box 3417
New York, NY 10008
United States
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