Alert! December 1st Deadline!The Biden Administration is preparing to sign away US Sovereignty!We must Act for America and call on every elected official to participate in defending US sovereignty by calling on President Biden to REJECT ALL AMENDMENTS by December 1st! We must stop the Biden Administration from signing the 'Zero Draft' document, which is circumventing the US Senate and the American people! This document is a legally binding document and a death blow to freedom around the world, robbing individuals of their human rights over medical choices, doctors, medicines, public forums, freedom of movement, freedom of speech, and the right to say NO to lockdowns and forced vaccines. Now 8.4 Million Actions Taken by Patriots Like You! Please share this with your friends and family and make a personal plea for them to take 2 minutes or less to click and act on this campaign. We stopped the advancement of this health treaty in 2022 with nearly 4 million actions taken and we can do it again!