DC Poor People's Campaign Meeting on Saturday

Dear John


Join us on Saturday Dec 2nd for an amazing opportunity to help grow the DC Poor People's Campaign!


On Saturday Dec 2nd from 10 am to 4 pm. Clinton Wright, long-time community organizer and member of the field team of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, will be in DC to lead an in-person community mapping training.  Lunch will be provided.

Community mapping is the process of identifying like-minded people, partners, resources, assets, etc. for the purpose of bringing them together to work for a common goal.  Community mapping makes possible the ability to lift, promote, advance, and maintain common goals and aspirations.


The DC Poor Peoples’ Campaign is part of a national movement organizing to change the narrative about poverty and build the power of poor and low-income people. Poverty is the 4th leading cause of death in the US because policy choices have made it so. But it doesn't have to be this way. That's why the Poor Peoples’ Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is  bringing people together across differences in a fusion movement dedicated to lifting from the bottom so everyone rises.


This event will prepare us to organize a spring mobilization when the DC Campaign and state PPC campaigns will hold simultaneous rallies to kick off 40 days of action leading up to the November 2024 election.


If you've been thinking about getting more involved with the campaign, this is the perfect time. Sign up now.

Forward together! Not one step back!


Liz McNichol, Zillah Wesley II, Rev. Chris Zacharais

DC Poor People's Campaign Tri-Chairs

[email protected]