This #GivingTuesday, make the impossible possible for survivors everywhere. Email not displaying correctly?
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Dear John,

This #GivingTuesday, do the impossible.

“Impossible” is something I heard a lot when we first launched Futures Without Violence. Our idea was bold: to prevent relationship violence before it happens and to help kids heal from trauma.

Yet, with help from supporters like you, we have done the impossible for more than 3 decades.

Not only do we know how to prevent relationship violence, we have the evidence to prove it.

On #GivingTuesday, I’m asking for your help to continue to make the impossible possible.
This week, a group of donors will match your contribution, doubling the impact of your gift, until we meet our goal:
$250 becomes $500
$100 becomes $200
 $50 becomes $100 
  $25 becomes $50  
    Double My Gift    

We are so grateful for a gift of any size that will power our work to help survivors heal and to prevent violence from happening.

Together, let’s show the world what’s truly possible!  Please consider a gift today.


With gratitude,
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President

P.S. If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to make a gift, now is the time. Gifts will be matched up to $10,000 until we meet our goal. Please make a gift today


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Our mailing address is:

Futures Without Violence
100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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