Friend, seeing the incredible progress we’ve made towards an assisted dying law throughout the British Isles, anti-choice opponents are getting desperate. 

Recently, the campaign group “Care Not Killing” has been busy raising money to hire consultants to help them influence the media, invite speakers to lobby parliament to keep the ban on assisted dying, and buy ads to turn the public against choice for dying people.

For the sake of dying people who are too often forced to suffer against their wishes, we must stop them in their tracks. Friend, will you become a Dignity in Dying member to fund the fight against lobbying groups who’ll stop at nothing to prevent law change?

Chip in a few pounds to power our campaigns so that compassion and choice always come out on top:


Faced with our successes, our opponents have doubled down on their efforts to spread their anti-choice message. 


They argue that assisted dying will undermine the ‘right to life’ while ignoring the evidence for a more compassionate law. Engaging in endless fearmongering. Twisting the data to try and undermine the clearly overwhelming majority that support assisted dying as a choice for terminally ill people.


All they want is to make sure that terminally ill people in Britain never get the right that 250 million people around the world already have: the right to die on their own terms.  

There’s a real risk that politicians could listen to anti-choice opponents rather than the real experiences of dying people and their families. 

Friend, will you become a Dignity in Dying member to give our campaign the energy and momentum to push back against our opponents and win law change?


When our opponents are fighting back, we must fight harder than ever to secure law change. Thank you for being with us.

David Pearce
Director of Fundraising and Marketing

P.S: Groups like Care Not Killing want to make sure that dying people in Britain never access choice of assisted dying - let’s make sure they never win: become a Dignity in Dying Member now >>


Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:


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