Morningside Center
Dear Morningside Center friends,

We send warm wishes to you, your students, co-workers, friends, and family in these difficult times. Below, we provide some guidelines for addressing the coronavirus in our classrooms, share reflections on the Black Lives Matter at School symposium, and invite you to our upcoming AFT webinar.
How can I be a culture shifter?
Reflections on the Black Lives Matter at School Early Childhood symposium
I have never been one to focus on Black History Month, as I was raised in a family that believes Black history is AMERICAN history and that it is all day, every day. The same for Women’s History Month. 

And yet, this time of year is always significant for me. While I began developing a political consciousness in childhood, I was in my twenties when I dug deep into what is often referred to as Black Feminist Thought: the work and writings of Audre Lorde, Barbara Smith, Angela Davis, bell hooks, Gloria Anzaldua – all foremothers of the concept that Kimberle Crenshaw would later coin as “intersectionality.”

Read more of Cassie Schwerner's blog. And while you're at it, check out Bank Street's write up as well!
Coronavirus: Lesson Plans & Resources
Young people need a supportive, caring, and constructive environment where they can learn about, discuss, and share their feelings about the coronavirus. Here are some strategies for shaping the conversation.
Six suggestions for how to facilitate a circle without passing a talking piece from person to person. 

Also, see our previous three lessons.

Additional resources on the coronavirus:

Women's History Month
Looking for engaging activities on amazing women and their movements? Get your students learning and talking about women making change, from Ella Baker to #MeToo to Aretha Franklin. Here’s our collection!  
Join our webinar on AFT's Share My Lesson! How do we as educators ensure that we’re creating classroom and school communities that welcome, respect, and honor all our students, including students of color? Join staff developers Dionne Grayman and Marieke van Woerkom on March 25th for this engaging webinar, part of AFT's 2020 Share My Lesson Virtual Conference.

"Education and justice are democracy's only life insurance." Nannie Helen Burroughs
Morningside Center
for Teaching Social Responsibility