Good day Friend,
For over a year, community and advocates have come together and continue to fight for social housing in DC under the Green New Deal for D.C. coalition banner!
The Social Housing Bill we have been advocating for will create DC government-owned, mixed-income affordable housing where a third of social housing is affordable for families at 30% area median income, a third is affordable at 50% area median income, and third is market rate or higher to cross-subsidize affordability which will create a surplus rent that directly goes to deepening affordability and creating more social housing, instead of profit for landlords.
Along with creating accessibility, the project is intended create net-zero emissions, to be transit-oriented, completely sustainable housing. ?This model will create a system that empowers tenant leadership to oversee building management. Further, this bill establishes the Office of Social Housing Development, who will be responsible for the construction, maintenance, and growth of social housing.
We invite you all to join us as we advance this bill to the next step at the Housing Public Roundtable by writing your own testimony and sharing your story. Don't worry! You will not do this alone, we are having a testimony power hour with our Green New Deal for DC Coalition!
We hope to see you there!
DC Jobs with Justice