We have a growing water crisis in America. From coast to coast, critical water resources are increasingly stressed due to climate change, drought, floods, and dangerous pollutants in rivers and groundwater aquifers. We need federal policies that bolster our water resiliency for the 21st century.
I authored comprehensive water infrastructure legislation earlier this year that will help address these challenges, building modern clean water infrastructure to ensure the health and safety of our families, strengthen the economy, and protect the environment.
Will you join me in calling on Congress to address this serious problem before it’s too late?
Click here to add your name to our petition and tell members of Congress that you want decisive action to confront the emerging water crisis sweeping our nation.
The FUTURE Drought Resiliency Act would make significant investments in surface and groundwater storage, water recycling, desalination, and efficiency and conservation. It also works to improve federal drought planning and habitat restoration programs.
Climate change is making water management much harder, but it doesn't have to mean "water wars" as many seem to believe. We just have to make smarter choices, and soon. This bill offers a variety of innovative solutions that work to build a more resilient water infrastructure, expand the use of modern water management technologies, and provide access to safe drinking water in disadvantaged areas.
There’s nothing more important than protecting our water supply and strengthening our natural water systems in preparation for climate change. I hope you’ll join me in standing up for these critical issues.
Please take a moment to sign our petition urging Congress to pass the FUTURE Drought Resiliency Act today.