I mustve been the best BOY ever…🤔 maybe its becuz I did the bestest sit and rollover and shake…oooo you shouldve seen!!!
So Sooozin gave me ALLLL the yummiest treats…turkey and potatoes and the pie (okaay the pie was on the table…but it was probably for meeee anyways becuz we were celebrating a day…sumthing about being grateful?…well, it was pumkim so obvs that’s 4 meeee!!)
Im succh a happy booy right now, but you know what would make me over the moon?? If you could help Soozin with her end of month monies-raising… Im so grateful for Soozin too and I reeeeeaaaaalllly want to make sure she knows… 🥰💗✨
Shes been talking a lot about all the good things that can happen if we take back a House. Will you pretty plz chip in whatever you can to help her????
Thanks, ur a bestest hooman too!!
Reily 🐾