John, we just had to share this news with you:

FIRST: Democrats stunned the country and WON in Kentucky in 2023.

THEN: Democrats landed HISTORIC wins in Ohio and Virginia.

BUT NOW: Republican leaders just announced a stunning $194 MILLION haul to ensure this year’s victories are our last.

John, if we can win in Kentucky, Ohio, and Virginia – we can win in ANY state. But we only have so much time to make up this MASSIVE fundraising deficit and ensure we have the resources to support diverse Democrats up and down the ballot. That’s where you come in: We need 400 grassroots Democrats to step up before midnight, RENEW their 2023 Democratic Membership, and help us build the funds to rush resources to key districts. Can we count on you to chip in $15 to win back the House Majority for Democrats and protect our Democratic Senate? >>

NAME: John xxxxxx
ID: 112237031

John, we’ll be blunt:

Democrats just won EVERY competitive state – exactly one year before the 2024 election.

The numbers are clear: With our Democratic Members fighting alongside us, we can absolutely make history and elect a diverse Democratic Trifecta.

But extremist Republicans are sitting on $194 MILLION to tear down our progress and stop Democrats from winning in 2024.

We can’t waste another moment while Mike Johnson and his MAGA majority amass even more money to take down our Democrats. We need 400 November Democratic Members to step up before midnight to help us hand MAGA extremists an INCREDIBLE rebuke. Will you rush $15, RENEW your 2023 Democratic Membership, and help us elect the most diverse Democratic Trifecta in history? >>

Chip in $15 now >>
Chip in $25 now >>
Chip in $50 now >>
Chip in $100 now >>
Chip in another amount now >>

Thanks for fighting alongside us,


Now more than ever, it is absolutely essential that we elect more diverse candidates.

ASPIRE is fighting to do just that: elect more Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) to office.

We need all the help we can get to empower our communities and elect more diverse candidates.


We can't tell you how much we appreciate your grassroots support! If you want to stay updated but receive fewer emails, please let us know here.

We don’t want to lose you completely -- but if you want to unsubscribe, you can do so here.

910 17th St NW Ste 925
Washington, DC 20006-2641
United States

[email protected]


Paid for and authorized by ASPIRE PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.