I've looked up to and admired Rep. Nydia Velázquez since my early days in politics. She's a one-of-a-kind leader — passionate, hardworking, and always working to do what’s right by the people she serves. She's fighting for an America where everyone can live their dreams and be successful. That's why it's so important to me that she has the best birthday ever.
To make sure that happens, I have two things to ask of you.
1) Will you come celebrate Nydia's party next week in Williamsburg?
Nydia has led the fight for affordable housing for all Americans. She's taken bold stances on climate change and has been a strong supporter of the Green New Deal. She continues to fight for the rights of her constituents and Puerto Ricans every single day. She supports the small businesses that make our communities thrive. I know Nydia as "La Luchadora" — the fighter — and she lives up to that name every single day.
Nydia's fight is far from over, and she needs our support to guarantee she can continue to work for a better future for all of us. We need experienced leaders like Nydia in Congress -- Can you help me show her some appreciation?
Details for the birthday party are below — and if you can't make it to the party, help me to let Nydia know you're thinking of her by chipping in towards her reelection.
WHERE: Williamsburg, NY -- Location upon RSVP
DATE: Thursday, March 19th
TIME: 6:00 PM