Next week, Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson is starting his march toward a death panel for Social Security and Medicare with a hearing in the House of Representatives.
Earlier this month, we were afraid he would attach a closed-door commission to cut Social Security and Medicare to the bill to keep the government funded. We stood strong and got him to back down―but he’s not giving up.
The purpose of this hearing is to set the stage for a closed-door commission when government funding runs out in January. It’s a trap for Democrats, and it’s up to us to make sure that they don’t fall for it.
We’re sending a clear message to Congress: Seniors will know that a vote for a closed-door commission is a vote to cut Social Security and Medicare. Chip in $7 today!
The hearing is in the House Budget Committee―Paul Ryan’s old stomping grounds―where Chairman Jodey Arrington insisted that the reason to take the commission behind closed doors is to “turn down the temperature on these issues.”1
But the “temperature” on Social Security and Medicare only “rises” when politicians try to take away benefits we’ve paid into our whole lives. These benefits are overwhelmingly popular with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.2 The only reason to deal with Social Security and Medicare behind closed doors is if you plan to cut them.
Send a message: A vote for a closed-door commission is a vote to cut Social Security and Medicare!
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works
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