It's game day for my Eagles, folks!

I'm fired up and ready to beat the Bills, but wanted to reach out with a personal note beforehand. Will you read my message and then chip in whatever you can to help us keep Delaware blue?

Let me start out with the cold, hard truth: when the Birds are on, we're not just playing to win against the opposing team – we're also up against the announcers and the refs. It's how we came up with the rally cry, "No one likes us, we don't care!"

We're loud, passionate about our team, and yes – we have the better Kelce brother. (Sorry, Taylor.)

All jokes aside, I'm unafraid of being loud and passionate when it matters. That's why I fit right in with this team.

In Congress, I've raised my voice for the issues that matter to people across Delaware. And when folks let me in on the issues they care about, their fight becomes mine – and I never tire.

But, just like my Birds, there's more at play in this fight than just two MAGA Republican opponents. The GOP money machine will do anything it takes to bolster their chances of flipping Delaware red, and they only need to flip two seats to retake the Senate.

Before kickoff, I'm asking you to take a minute out of your day and chip in to our historic campaign here in Delaware. Whether it's $25, $50, or $100 – any amount would go a long way in helping us win this fight.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

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Eagles fan or not, I'm ready to be a Senator that every Delawarean can count on to represent them.

Go Birds!

– Lisa