Run, Lizzie. Run. 

I can still hear my mom’s words of encouragement echo in my head when I think back to the first time I ran a marathon at 23. She cheered me on, not at one but five spots along those 26 miles, her bright smile pushing me ever onward to the finish line.

My name is Liz Dunning, head of the Development team at Brady, and I’m writing to you, John, to share my story. Today should have been my mom’s 73rd birthday, but she was shot and killed when a stranger rang our doorbell. Sadly, I know my pain is shared by so many Americans whose loved ones have been killed by senseless gun violence.

Three years ago, I decided I wanted to do something to commemorate my mom’s 70th birthday – something that would take grit and sacrifice. And, as if the stars aligned, I found a marathon – a 26-mile run to celebrate the 26 years of life my mom and I shared together – hosted on her birthday.

That day, I ran for my mom – for all the memories we shared and all the ones stolen by gun violence. I ran for the grandsons she never got a chance to meet. I ran for the hope that if we all just stood up and acted, there would be fewer of us with this particular hole in our hearts. We raised almost $30,000 for Brady that day to honor her. And today, I hope to continue that tradition with you, John.

I am writing to you as a gun violence survivor who never wants another family to suffer the pain and carry the loss that I do. And I am writing to you as a staff member of Brady who believes in Brady’s mission and sees firsthand how the work we do saves lives.

That’s why today, in honor of my mom and so many other victims of gun violence in our country, I’m asking you to make a gift to Brady and help pass gun violence prevention policies that will save lives. We have a goal to raise $50,000 – and blow past our previous record – by midnight tonight, but we can’t do it without grassroots supporters like you. Just imagine an important milestone in your life, without a certain loved one there to share it. Every day, 100 more families in this country feel that loss. It has to stop. Together, we will stop it.

Your gift will go straight to electing gun violence prevention champions up and down the ballot and passing lifesaving legislation. So please, will you give now to Brady – no gift is too large or too small – before midnight tonight to honor those that we’ve lost and save the next generation from this senseless violence?

I have to be honest, John, today is harder than most. But, every day I work to honor my mom is a day I know was well spent. I can’t call her today, singing Happy Birthday in a silly voice, but I am calling on you. Together, we can make a difference. 

Liz Dunning
Vice President of Development