Since it was just Thanksgiving, I’ve been doing (probably too much) thinking about food. And I thought it would be a good time to tell you about one of my bills I’m really passionate about.
Here in California’s Central Valley, we grow some of the best produce in the world. Seriously, if you haven’t tried our fruit or nuts, you’re missing out. My team is obsessed with the fresh dates.
And yet I recently learned about how our kids’ school lunches are full of unhealthy produce that is grown… in China! Why in the world are we not filling our kids’ cafeterias with healthy, locally grown produce?
It made no sense to me. That’s why I introduced the Kids Eat Local Act. The goal is very simple: make sure our kids have access to the freshest fruits, nuts, and vegetables while in school. It helps our kids, helps our farmers and helps our economy.
If you agree this is a good idea, will you add your name as a citizen co-sponsor?
Sometimes legislating doesn’t need to be complicated - in fact sometimes it just means seeing a good idea and jumping at it. That’s what this bill is. Thanks for all your support, and I hope you’ll consider signing on as a citizen co-sponsor.
- Josh