Hey there — I wanted to show you this.

Yup, that’s me, back in 2016 as a senior alongside my sister who was a freshman at the time at Arizona State. We’d just finished Echo from the Buttes, a tradition that spans over 80 years to paint the iconic Tempe “A” white to signify the start of the school year. We even spent a night or two in the crisp November air protecting the “A” from those pesky wildcats. Ever since I was a kid, I always knew that I wanted to be a Sun Devil.
But before I dive in too far, I have to let you know: I was meeting with Justin from Senator Kelly's team and we decided to make a friendly wager to see who can help us raise $5,000 online before this afternoon's kick off — my fellow Sun Devils or Justin's fellow Wildcats.
Can I count on you to step up and pitch in $6.08 or more right now?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Some of my earliest, and most cherished memories are in Sun Devil Stadium. My family has proudly attended every single ASU home game for decades. I’ll never forget sitting in the front row for a Territorial Cup game (or the UofA fans that made it a memorable experience for a 10-year old.)
It wasn’t a huge surprise to my folks when I decided to attend ASU — and I wouldn’t change my experience for anything. I even got to be a campus tour guide, where I’d walk backwards showing aspiring freshmen around the campus that I loved so much (with my forks of course, because pointing is rude.)
Now, as an alum, I get to help mobilize voters at my alma mater and support the next generation of Young Dems as they work to make history in our state.
So before kickoff, will you help us raise $5,000 and beat the team down south today?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Thanks— and onward to victory!
🔱Morgan Dick,

Executive Director, Arizona Democratic Party
Arizona State University, 2017