Chris Coons
"Montana Gov. Steve Bullock launches Senate bid, a boost in Democrats' push for majority"
- CNBC, March 9

Dear John,

On Monday, Governor Steve Bullock announced his candidacy to become Montana's next Senator. Now, Democrats have another great candidate who can help end the era of Mitch McConnell's leadership.

In two terms as governor, Steve Bullock was able to expand Medicaid, invest in public education, and fight the corrupting influence of money in politics, all with a Republican Legislature. He's exactly the kind of leader we need in the Senate to get things done for the American people.

Will you join me in supporting Steve Bullock's campaign? Split a contribution of $5 or more today to help Democrats take back the Senate →

Democrats need to win at least four seats to take back the Senate. Steve's proven that he can win in a state that Trump won before, and in November, I know he can win again.

But taking back the Senate won't be easy. Mitch McConnell's allies are already attacking Steve, and they will be ready to spend big to maintain Republican control of the Senate.

I'm working to make sure Steve has the resources necessary to prepare for whatever attacks come his way and help us flip the Senate. Will you join me in supporting his campaign today?

With your help, we can take back the Senate. Chip in $5 or more today to help Steve Bullock become Montana's next U.S. Senator.

Thank you,



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