March 10 – As COVID-19 (coronavirus) spreads, it is a clear reminder that germs and viruses don’t respect national boundaries in an interconnected world. But the mainstream press has certainly not publicized how corporate capitalism and imperialism cross national boundaries to destroy people’s health. Marchers on International Working Women’s Day . . .
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March 9 — Mounting concern and panic over the global outbreak COVID-19 has gripped headlines as more countries grapple with its spread. Over 100,000 people worldwide have been confirmed positive for the virus, with many more cases surely going undetected. Italy has declared a travel ban in the entire country, . . .
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These edited remarks were given by Workers World Party’s First Secretary Larry Holmes at a public meeting on March 5 in New York City. First a word about the coronavirus (COVID-19). It is going to become a big political issue even more than it is now. It involves the . . .
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March 10 — The coronavirus COVID-19 is very serious. But it is not the cause of the stock market crash on March 9. While every effort is being made to push the market up again, the fact remains that the crash happened and can happen again. Let’s ask this question: . . .
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La siguiente charla ligeramente editada se dio en una clase sobre “Por qué necesitamos una revolución” en la ciudad de Nueva York el 29 de febrero. Un comité de fábrica se reúne durante la revolución rusa de 1917. ¿Cómo lidiamos con la injusticia masiva perpetrada por la clase dominante capitalista? . . .
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¿Qué significará para las personas en los EE.UU. cuando el coronavirus se propague por todo el mundo? ¿Qué preparativos se están haciendo para ayudar a las personas aquí? Las pandemias no son algo nuevo. En 1918, el virus de la gripe se convirtió en una pandemia por la cual Estados . . .
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