Do you know what’s giving you a say in whether ExxonMobil can roll up to your neighborhood and build an oil refinery? What’s allowing you to provide input on Chevron’s plan to run a pipeline through your community’s drinking water source? It’s a law called the National Environmental Policy Act – and YOU can help stop the efforts in Congress to gut this bedrock legislation.

Also called NEPA, the National Environmental Policy Act gives you and me a say in what polluting projects big companies try to put in our communities. It requires thorough assessment and time for community input – but new bills in Congress could fast-track polluting projects and revoke your right to say NO to dirty energy projects. Please, Friend, tell your Congressmembers to OPPOSE any attempts to gut our bedrock environmental protections! 

If NEPA is weakened, more babies could be breathing toxins from fossil fuel plants. More communities could suffer from contaminated drinking water. In some cases, these are literally life-or-death consequences, Friend. Fossil fuel pollution has been linked to respiratory illnesses, splitting headaches, and even increased cancer rates!

You have a right to determine what happens in your own neighborhood. Don’t let Congress take that away from you and give greedy fossil fuel companies the ability to steamroll community input. Will you send a message to Congress and help us meet our goal of 112 more signatures from your area before 11:59pm TONIGHT? Preserve your right to say NO to fossil fuels!

Standing with you,
Hallie Templeton
Legal Director & Senior Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
