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Angie Philips (She/Her/Hers) is running for the United States Senate to unseat Republican Ben Sasse. Philips is a lifelong Nebraskan. She grew up in rural Western Nebraska before moving to Eastern Nebraska as a young adult. She currently resides in Omaha with her husband and three children. Angie studied Behavioral Science at Bellevue University and spent over a decade working in advocacy roles for at-risk youth and struggling families. Unable to access affordable quality childcare, she began staying home to care for her children full time after having her youngest daughter. Wanting to utilize her skills and becoming politically galvanized during the 2016 elections, Angie began throwing her time and efforts into community organizing and human rights advocacy.

Grassroots Activism


Women's March on Omaha 2017

As an organizer, Philips played key roles in the planning and logistics of various protests. The largely attended Women’s March on Omaha 2017, Omaha Women’s March 2018, Omaha Women’s Day March 2019, Stop the Ban Rally, Lights for Liberty Omaha, and Lights for Liberty Grand Island where she asked to be a speaker.

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Fremont flood relief efforts in collaboration with Hispanic Fremont Strong

Devoted to Her Community
Angie's devotion to the most vulnerable members in our community is clear from her efforts in organizing humanitarian aid. Angie helped lead efforts & collected donations for immigrant families directly affected by the O’Neill ICE raids, and later, to families throughout Nebraska after the historic 2019 flood.

Ticha Rohan of Omaha reflects on when she first met Angie for through these efforts:
“She was a leader in clothing / gift drives for families of deported Nebraskans and direct flood relief to families in need. At a time when most of us were saddened, in despair or disbelief about the events, she seemed to be two steps ahead, charting a path to help. That passion and action is a gift and will serve her well in the United States Senate!"

Emerging Leader
In addition to these achievements, Angie has also been the driving force in the development of several grassroots organizations that help raise awareness and take action. In October 2018, at the suggestion of former state senator Tanya Cook, Angie founded the Nebraska Progressive Legislative Study Group. LSG is a grassroots group that aims to educate the people of Nebraska about Unicameral and promote progressive legislation and progressive representation.

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State Senator & Candidate Meet & Greet hosted by LSG & DCDP Women's Caucus

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Douglas County Democratic Party Women's Caucus Meet & Greet

Angie is also the founder and former chair of the Douglas County Democratic Party Women’s Caucus. A caucus to "empower women of all ages, advocate for women's rights, educate about women's issues, work towards an equitable representation of women in leadership within and outside government, and grow the Democratic Party."

In full agreement with the platform of the WC, Angie views human rights as inseparable and diversity as inherently intersectional. She acknowledges the ways in which identities operate within systems of power, privilege, and oppression and condemns the additional burdens of discrimination placed on people in marginalized or underrepresented communities.

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Kavanaugh protests in D.C.with ACLU

In October 2018, the ACLU invited Angie, along with many other survivors of sexual assault, to join them in D.C. to protest the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. When Ben Sasse refused to speak with their group, she was devastated. But it was that plane ride home in those moments, she decided was going to run for the Senate and #KickBensAssOutOfOffice! Click here to read her letter from that plane ride home: an open letter to Ben Sasse.

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Angie is committed to the families of Nebraska. She will give a voice to marginalized communities that have been silenced. She has demonstrated that devotion through her tireless activism and advocating alongside them. Philips has been a powerful ally in Nebraska for the resistance against Trump and his Republican lackeys. Her efforts have been felt in communities across our state. We need someone with her courage to stand up for the people of Nebraska in D.C.!

It is time to demand a true representation of the people. No more cowards who do not protect our democracy and fight for justice.

Together we can create a country that thrives on diversity and lifts one another up. Together we can make Nebraska for everyone!

Please join us and learn more at https://angiefornebraska.com/.
Our movement is growing everyday!
We are counting on your support to continue spreading our message across Nebraska! Please donate here!

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