From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject With gratitude, a humble request:
Date November 25, 2023 12:30 PM
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I’ve got a humble request for you, and I want to get it to you early this morning so you can enjoy the rest of your day.

I need to ask you to make a donation to help us defeat Kari Lake in Arizona. But before I ask, I want to tell you just how grateful I am for everything you’ve done to get us to this point.

When I launched this campaign we had a historic number of donations. That’s helped us build a campaign that can go the distance and win next November. And when Kari Lake jumped in this race, thousands and thousands more of you came in and had my back. It’s extremely humbling, and I can’t express how thankful I am for that.

But now, the real work starts.

Polls are dropping in Arizona regularly, showing how competitive this race is going to be. Our margins in the Senate are paper thin with Joe Manchin no longer seeking re-election. And the NRSC just released their first attack ad of the cycle against me, with more sure to follow.

If Kari Lake were just some run-of-the-mill Republican, the stakes might not be quite so high. But she is extremely dangerous… a threat to our democracy itself.

We have to do everything we can to take Arizona’s seat back, everything we can to keep Kari Lake out of the Senate. To do it, we’re setting a 15,000 donation goal to raise the resources we need before the end of the month.

So please, with gratitude, I’m humbly asking:

If you can, make your donation to my campaign. The amount isn’t as important as the donation itself. With thousands of people joining you, it adds up really quickly.

Contribute: [link removed]

I’m going to check back in over the next several days to see our progress towards that goal. I’ll be sure to let you know how we’re doing, too.

Proud to be with you in this.

Semper Fi,


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