Also: CUs asked to share feedback on NCUA subordinated debt proposal; Prep pandemic plans with free NAFCU webinar

The News You Need Daily

March 11, 2020

Berger outlines CU response to coronavirus, how Congress can help
NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger, in letters to President Donald Trump and Congress Tuesday, shared how credit unions are prioritizing the health and safety of members and employees and providing financial assistance in the wake of the coronavirus, as well as how lawmakers can strengthen these efforts.

Would your CU issue or invest in subordinated debt?
NAFCU is currently seeking feedback from member credit unions on the NCUA's proposal to allow low-income credit unions (LICUs), complex credit unions, and newly-formed credit unions to issue subordinated debt for the purpose of regulatory capital treatment. The issue of subordinated debt was included on the NCUA's fall rulemaking agenda and NAFCU has long advocated for a subordinated debt rule that allows all credit unions to grow.

Free NAFCU webinar to help CUs prep pandemic plans
NAFCU is offering a free webinar next week to help credit unions determine their institution's readiness to handle a pandemic as the threat of the coronavirus increases. Financial regulators recently released pandemic preparedness guidance and have also encouraged financial institutions to be ready to help consumers who experience financial hardships as a result of the virus.

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Get insider updates on litigation, 2020 elections, more in March 31 member call
From banker attacks, to subordinated debt, to business continuity and more, NAFCU's Q1 Member Call-In happening March 31 will provide member credit unions with key updates on important credit union regulatory and legislative issues, as well as litigation risks facing the industry. NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger will be joined on the call – set to begin at 4 p.m. Eastern – by Executive Vice President of Government Affairs and General Counsel Carrie Hunt and other senior staff.

Senators question Kraninger on QM proposal, MLA authority
CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger, while testifying before the Senate Banking Committee Tuesday, provided updates on efforts related to amending the definition of a qualified mortgage (QM) and potential expiration of the government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) patch, as well as the bureau's authority under the Military Lending Act (MLA).

The Labor Force of Tomorrow
Curt Long, NAFCU's chief economist, discusses in The NAFCU Journal potential changes to CU labor forces.

What to Know Before Entering into a Fintech Partnership
Learn what you need to communicate to your fintech partners like pain points, compliance challenges, and more in this webinar.