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Appearing on ITV's Good Morning Britain, the Wigan MP has become the first of the three Labour leadership candidates to comment publically on the row over
Trevor Phillips's suspension.
Campaigners including the NSS have criticised the fact the first new Roman Catholic state school in England for more than a decade is to be established in
Peterborough without the church contributing a penny to its costs.
Belief in witchcraft is hampering efforts to eradicate female genital mutilation in Guinea where almost all girls are cut, campaigners said on Tuesday.
Demonstrators belonging to Islamist groups attacked an International Women's Day rally in the Pakistani capital Islamabad on Sunday, hurling rocks, chunks of
mud and even their shoes.
There is a tendency to see the Christchurch attacks, which killed 51 people, as a one-off or an aberration – rather than something we still need to guard
The Canadian federal government introduced new legislation on Monday to criminalise LGBTQ conversion therapy, as Justin Trudeau's Liberal government moves to
fulfil one of its 2019 election promises.
A member of the Finnish Parliament and former minister of the interior, Päivi Räsänen, faces four police investigations after expressing anti-gay sentiments.
You don't need to agree with everything Trevor Phillips has said about Muslims or Islam to be concerned at the attempt to render his ideas beyond the pale,
says Chris Sloggett.
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