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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 11 March


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Jewish private school in London rapped by Ofsted for teaching creationism and not letting students take GCSEs – NSS quoted

Inspectors rated Bnois Jerusalem Girls School 'inadequate' after they discovered it was teaching creationism in geography and science.



Failing Jewish school doesn't let pupils take GCSEs because teachers 'can't censor the exam papers' – NSS quoted

Pupils at a failing Jewish school in north London are never entered for GCSEs, because its leaders 'cannot censor the exam papers'.

Hackney Gazette


George Pell: Court hears cardinal's final bid to quash sexual abuse verdict

The former Vatican treasurer George Pell's final bid to overturn his convictions for child sexual abuse has begun hearings in Australia's top court.



Lisa Nandy says she's 'troubled' by Trevor Phillips's comments on Islam

Appearing on ITV's Good Morning Britain, the Wigan MP has become the first of the three Labour leadership candidates to comment publically on the row over Trevor Phillips's suspension.



‘Outrageous’ – UK taxpayers are to fund a new Catholic school – NSS quoted

Campaigners including the NSS have criticised the fact the first new Roman Catholic state school in England for more than a decade is to be established in Peterborough without the church contributing a penny to its costs.

The Freethinker (Patheos)


Jewish women want equality and opportunities, research finds

Seventy-seven per cent of Jewish women feel the community has not reached gender equality, according to a study.

The Jewish Chronicle


Witchcraft beliefs blamed for halting drive to end FGM in Guinea

Belief in witchcraft is hampering efforts to eradicate female genital mutilation in Guinea where almost all girls are cut, campaigners said on Tuesday.



Islamists disrupt International Women’s Day rally in Pakistan

Demonstrators belonging to Islamist groups attacked an International Women's Day rally in the Pakistani capital Islamabad on Sunday, hurling rocks, chunks of mud and even their shoes.



‘Far-right extremists still threaten New Zealand, a year on from the Christchurch attacks’

There is a tendency to see the Christchurch attacks, which killed 51 people, as a one-off or an aberration – rather than something we still need to guard against.

The Conversation


Canada seeks to ban LGBTQ conversion therapy

The Canadian federal government introduced new legislation on Monday to criminalise LGBTQ conversion therapy, as Justin Trudeau's Liberal government moves to fulfil one of its 2019 election promises.



Finnish MP now facing four investigations after speaking about Christian beliefs

A member of the Finnish Parliament and former minister of the interior, Päivi Räsänen, faces four police investigations after expressing anti-gay sentiments.

Premier Christian News


‘Tom Rosenthal stand-up comedy review – circumcision made funny’

Veronica Lee says stand-up comic Tom Rosenthal's new show is frank about the effects circumcision had on him as an awkward teenager.

The Arts Desk


Latest from the NSS


Trevor Phillips’s suspension is another blow to robust public debate

You don't need to agree with everything Trevor Phillips has said about Muslims or Islam to be concerned at the attempt to render his ideas beyond the pale, says Chris Sloggett.


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