The Critical Building Block

Karen and Jay take a moment to share thoughts on the importance of the family as the critical building block in our society.

As we celebrate this long Thanksgiving weekend – enjoying time together with our families, let’s savor these moments – knowing that the family is the essential building block of our society. That strong families make strong communities – and strong communities make a strong nation. There is nothing more important for us as Americans than to invest our time, our resources, and our love – in developing and nurturing our precious families.

By focusing on our families, we have a positive impact that resonates throughout our community, our state and truly at a national level, shaping the character and resilience of our entire nation. When families are nurtured with care, love, and a shared sense of responsibility, they become the catalysts for positive change.

Moreover, beyond their immediate impact on communities and our nation, families play a pivotal role in shaping the future by influencing the development of the next generation. In investing our time, resources, and love in our families, we are, in essence, investing in the architects of tomorrow's society. By prioritizing family values and fostering a supportive atmosphere, we demonstrate how the family unit becomes the fertile ground from which future leaders, innovators, and contributors to society emerge.

In essence, families are not only the cornerstone of our society but also the guardians of our cultural, moral, and ethical foundations. In our own families, we pass down cherished traditions, instilling a deep sense of identity and belonging in each successive generation. These traditions, rooted in the family unit, serve as a compass guiding individuals through the complexities of modern life. In preserving and transmitting these values, families contribute to the resilience of our societal fabric, ensuring that the principles that bind us endure through time.

As we cherish the moments spent with our families during this Thanksgiving weekend, let us recognize that our investment in these foundational units transcends personal satisfaction; it is an investment in the very essence of our society. Through the lens of families, we glimpse a roadmap to building strong communities, a robust nation, and a future that thrives on the values cultivated within the sanctity of our homes.

Read The Report

Putting the ‘Family’ in Family-owned Businesses

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Nurturing Families in the Granite State: The Vital Role of Nonprofits

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Positive Profile of the Week: Neil Hubacker and Focus on the Family

This week we are delighted to highlight a leader in our state who is thoroughly devoted to the nurturing of strong families - Neil Hubacker, the director of the Church Ambassador Network for Cornerstone Policy, a role he assumed in 2018.

Cornerstone Policy is a non-partisan, non-profit Christian advocacy organization of caring, passionate individuals working for the people of New Hampshire.

As a former pastor himself, Neil truly understands and has dealt with the challenging questions surrounding the 'why' and 'how' of cultural engagement. He served for nearly a decade as founder and leading pastor at the Antioch Community Church in Beverly, Massachusetts.

Today, not only does he travel throughout our state collaborating with churches to encourage civic engagement on vital and sensitive topics, including family matters, but you can also find him in the halls of the New Hampshire State House, engaging with our lawmakers. He dedicates his time to ministering to state legislators and addressing questions about family issues. His contagious passion for the family is evident, and he approaches his work with compassion and grace. Neil is committed to his powerful mission, as he states: Accelerating your connection to the right resources so you can flourish!

Neil holds a master’s degree in education, and he, along with his wife Kelsey of twelve years, resides in Hollis with their four children. We thank Neil for his tireless efforts and heartfelt dedication to families throughout New Hampshire and beyond.

Quote of the Week

"The family is the nucleus of civilization."

-Will Durant

Jay Lucas |

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