Republican politicians have a vision for America: toil, from the cradle to the grave.
They don’t just want to take away the retirement benefits we’ve earned through a lifetime of hard work―they’re also coming after our childhoods, chipping away at laws that protect children from the dangers of dangerous industrialized workplaces.
We need to step up and protect our children AND protect retirement.
Sign now: End child labor!
States like Arkansas, Iowa, and New Hampshire have made it easier for corporations to hire minors to work in meatpacking plants and other dangerous workplaces, and lowered or eliminated the fines they pay if children are injured.
It’s not complicated: Children want their grandparents to be able to retire. And grandparents want our grandkids to graduate high school with all of their fingers.
We should make sure that greedy corporations can’t exploit children to pay lower wages. We should make sure that there is adequate economic support for families that feel that they have no choice but to send a child off to work in a factory or go hungry.
At Social Security Works, we don’t play zero-sum games. America in 2023 is the richest country in the history of the world. The only reason to force kids into factories is greed, pure and simple.
Michael Phelan Social Security Works