The Ayoreo's land has been ravaged by illegal deforestation. © Survival

Dear Jack,

Today is Black Friday, a day we often associate with deals and discounts. 

But your money could go twice the distance — and truly make a difference — if you donate to Survival today. 

Survival works with Indigenous peoples globally to defend their rights and protect their lands, so that they can determine their own futures. For example, Survival has helped Ayoreo communities reclaim 140,000 hectares of their ancestral homelands to date — that’s bigger than Delhi, India. This success is a testament to the resilience of the Ayoreo, but also to the dedication of Survival’s generous supporters.

To maintain our independence and integrity, Survival does not accept funding from governments or companies who might be violating Indigenous peoples’ rights. This means our work relies on your support. 

This year, we are aiming to raise £160,000 / $200,000 for our crucial work. Your contribution today will be worth double, at no extra cost to you: two generous supporters have agreed to match every gift up to the value of £80,000 / $100,000.

Your support today will help to expose atrocities and fund campaigns, education and practical support to protect Indigenous lands and prevent the genocide of Indigenous people

Please make your money matter this Black Friday and give a gift to Survival. No amount is too small to make a huge difference.

Many thanks,

Caroline Pearce
Survival International


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Survival International | 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7ET | Charity no. 267444

Survival International USA | PO Box 26345, San Francisco, CA 941261 | a 501(c)(3) nonprofit

Since 1969 | Supporters in over 100 countries
Offices in Berlin, London, Madrid, Milan, Paris and San Francisco