Friend, over the course of this year, your support has helped UNICEF protect children, deliver life-changing care and give children opportunities to thrive. Your generosity has stretched around the world to advance UNICEF’s mission to ensure every child receives the support they need in the face of mounting challenges. We’re so grateful for your compassion and commitment to improving children's lives.
Today and in the coming weeks, your inbox will be full of offers, cases for giving and the best sales of the year. This email is different because we’re asking you to help make every new day of a child’s life better than the last.
Starting now, all donations will be triple-matched, multiplying your impact to provide children with 3X the support, supplies and hope. Give now to further your impact and sustain UNICEF’s critical work >>
For over 75 years, UNICEF has delivered for kids around the world, whenever and wherever the need is greatest. With your support this Giving Week, UNICEF can continue to make a meaningful difference for children globally.
We won't stop until every child is safe, and we need your help. Take advantage of this special match and send 3X the support to children >>
Thank you for making an impact,