I continue to grieve with the families in Dayton, El Paso, and Gilroy. These tragedies continue to happen, and we, as a nation, must work toward ending domestic terrorism and gun violence.

We must not ignore the impact of the President's language when he spreads hate and incites division. We certainly can't after last week. We also must take action to end the national gun violence crisis, and we must do it now.

Gun violence is a problem that affects all Americans, and while Republicans in Washington hope this will all blow over, Congress has to pass common-sense gun laws. We're being held captive from doing anything by Mitch McConnell.

The vast majority of Americans want better gun control laws, but Mitch McConnell still refuses to act. We must all demand action.

—Thank you






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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125