Hi there -- this email is a little bit heavy on the details but I hope you’ll give me a second to explain why tomorrow's FEC goal matters SO much.

Our second quarter ends tomorrow at midnight and then we’ll start preparing our finance report for the Federal Election Commission. We’ll account for everything from $1 grassroots contributions to every single (union-printed) bumper sticker. We’ll hand over the report to the FEC and then it will go public.

Reporters in Washington, Donald Trump’s team and other Democratic campaigns will all be poring over every line. That’s why it’s critical we show the whole country that this team has the momentum to win by crushing our FEC goal.

Even $1 will go a long way to help show everyone just how much support Amy has for her agenda to move the country forward.

And when you donate today, we’ll even send you one of those bumper stickers I mentioned!

Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/afa-june2019eoq

Julia Kennedy
Deputy Campaign Manager

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