Friends --

I’m writing to you from Colorado, where I endorsed John Hickenlooper for U.S. Senate. He is a proven champion on gun safety and we must help elect him in 2020.

After the devastating shooting in Aurora, John passed safer gun laws as governor. His right-wing opponent, Cory Gardner, failed to show the same leadership.

There is so much at stake this year: we need to flip the Senate and we have to defeat the NRA’s #1 ally -- Donald Trump.

That’s why we need people like John if we want to see our gun laws change -- not someone who follows in lockstep with Trump’s dangerous policies.

I’m doing everything I can to help elect gun safety champions like John. I hope you’ll join me during this critical moment.

Will you make a donation to John’s Senate campaign today? We need leaders like him fighting for us in Congress if we want to end the epidemic of gun violence in this country:

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Every year that passes, we see more and more candidates stepping up to run for office with gun safety as one of their leading issues.

2020 is no different. John is a tireless ally in the fight to make our communities safe from gun violence and we must do everything we can to help him win his race. I was humbled to be back in Colorado meeting with advocates and survivors -- from Columbine and Aurora, of daily gun violence. Thank you to each person who shared their story.

I know John will keep carrying them with him in the fight for safer gun laws.

My very best,

Gabby Giffords

John and I sat with survivors and activists at a roundtable to discuss how gun violence has impacted Colorado’s communities.

The butterfly pavilion in Westminster, Colorado presented a butterfly release in honor of victims and survivors of gun violence. It was beautiful!

We were joined by hundreds of supporters and survivors in Aurora for a rally and panel discussion. There is energy and momentum behind this movement -- I know we can end gun violence.