Dear Fellow Conservative,

Today, we unapologetically thank God for America.

We thank Him for the blessings of liberty and remember the Americans before us who risked everything to settle, work, and defend this land – all so that we might live free.

Today, we demonstrate our thanks by rejecting calls from Americans living bountifully off the sacrifices of these previous generations to tear America down from the inside... apology by apology, statue by statue, tradition by tradition, norm by norm.

Today, we recall the first recorded Thanksgiving, in Virginia – where, after a decade of suffering from Malaria, starvation, and battles with local Powhatans in which 450 of the 500 settlers at Jamestown perished in the first 2 years… the people persevered.

And as new settlers landed on December 4th, 1619 after crossing the Atlantic, Captain Woodlief knelt on the shore and prayed:
“We ordaine that this day of our ships arrival… in the land of Virginia, shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God.”
To thank every one of those who sacrificed at the beginning, and on the battlefields since, to give us this great land, we must pledge to each other to unflinchingly Stand Up for America and the unalienable God-given liberties it is was founded to protect.
So I hope you spend your day filled with joy and gratitude, surrounded by the ones you love.
Make sure to carve out some time to say some prayers to the Eternal Father thanking Him for your many blessings... and for helping guide the Mayflower those 400-odd years ago.

From our family to yours, Carrah and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! 

For Texas,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

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