It's not easy to challenge the status quo. It takes persistence, courage, and compassion.
Without courageous, compassionate people who challenge the status quo—people like you—nonhuman animals’ suffering would continue to be overlooked by the law. But, together, we’re taking on this injustice as we fight to secure rights for nonhuman animals. We are so grateful to have you on our side, and we rely on your courage to change the world for animals.
John, we're not the only ones counting on your courage. You’re a source of hope for our nonhuman animal clients. Elephants like Happy and Patty can't see beyond the confines of their tiny zoo exhibits, but you're on the outside building them a pathway to freedom.
Your willingness to speak up for nonhuman animals—whose suffering is all too often ignored—is changing the world in a way that once seemed impossible. Just this year, we’ve made huge strides in the fight for nonhuman rights, including helping pass the first law that recognizes the legal right of a nonhuman animal,and filing new lawsuits on behalf of elephants in three states.
All of this progress was made possible by your courage and compassion. From all of us at the NhRP, thank you for being a part of this movement. Our clients are fortunate to have you on our side!
The NhRP