This Thanksgiving, I am full of gratitude for so many blessings. And I want to take a moment to let you know that you are one of them. Since 2017, I have had the privilege of working with so many people who are committed to serving our country and making our world a better place. How lucky I am. How inspired I am. How grateful I am.
Today, I am thankful for family, friends, and supporters, near and far, who have made possible the opportunity for me to serve our community and our country in Congress. I am thankful to the people of TX-07, who have entrusted me with the privilege of being their voice. And I am thankful to you for helping make it possible.
What we have already accomplished together reminds us of all we can accomplish, and 2023 has reminded us how important it is that we do so. As we look ahead to 2024 and all that is at stake, I am hopeful and I am grateful for those who I know will continue to do the work of defending democracy, ensuring equality, and restoring our rights together.
This Thanksgiving Day, and every day, I am grateful for your support, your time, and your belief in what we can accomplish together. It is with that in mind and gratitude in my heart that I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful day of Thanksgiving.
Together, we can do anything,
