Dear friend,
Today — and every day — I am filled with gratitude and love for this beloved community. Every one of you puts your faith into action, building a world that brings out the best in us.
Together, we demonstrate our collective commitment to love, dignity, and liberation.
Thank you for your commitment to love, which you demonstrate when you watch one another’s kids at organizing meetings, bring food to one another when sick, and show up to support each other in hard times and good times.
Thank you for your commitment to dignity, which you demonstrate through your tireless organizing, voting, protesting, donating, and calling on behalf of our undocumented neighbors.
Thank you for your commitment to liberation, which you demonstrate by working to end white supremacy and economic inequality, and fighting for an equitable future that allows every one of God’s children to lead a full and free life.
I want to thank each of you for putting your faith into action every single day and never giving in to despair. Your unconditional love and unwavering commitment to liberation can and will change the world.
With gratitude and solidarity,