Dear Friend,
Thank you for believing that freedom is worth fighting for.
You have been, in a very real sense, a shareholder in The Rutherford Institute’s efforts to safeguard our precious freedoms.
So thank you.
Thank you for giving what you can, when you can, time and again.
Thank you for caring about our work, staying informed about the battles for freedom taking place across the nation, and helping us sound the alarm to a sleeping nation.
And thank you for standing with The Rutherford Institute as we push back against the government’s excesses and long train of abuses, hold our elected officials accountable to the rule of law, and strive to restore our lost freedoms and rein in our runaway government.
It’s never too late to start making things right in the world. Thanks to you, we don't stand alone.
Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving.
Faithfully yours,
John W. Whitehead
