Minnesota Senator Glenn Gruenhagen banner image

Friends and neighbors –


Thanksgiving ushers in the season of gratitude. More than just a day for feasting, it is a time to reflect on how fortunate we are – for the roof over our heads, the clean water from our faucets, the food on our tables, and the loved ones by our sides. We also pause to pray for those less fortunate than ourselves who may be facing hard times. And we open our hearts to them.


This holiday season, I would encourage all of us to take action to support our neighbors who are struggling. We can help in all sorts of ways. Donating money makes a real difference, but so does giving your time or extra belongings you no longer need. Shelters always welcome warm winter coats, gloves, and boots to help their residents stay comfortable. You could also check if your local food bank or church needs volunteers. 


There are so many around us who could use a hand, especially during this season. Let's not forget our friends and neighbors in need.


I hope you all have a safe, healthy, and happy Thanksgiving.


God Bless,

Glenn Gruenhagen


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2417
St. Paul, MN 55155
