Taxpayer, did you miss Dr. Radnitz's email?

I need to let her know who stepped up — and who didn't — later tonight.

If you didn't read it yet, please read it now in its entirety.

It's very, VERY important.

Anthony Bellotti

Sent from my iPhone

On Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 9:20 AM, Dr. Cynthia Radnitz wrote:

Taxpayer, if you could trade 25 seconds to end NIH's 25-year-old "Fear Factory"would you?

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Cynthia Radnitz.

I'm a clinical psychologist and professor.

My academic research has been published in over 60 books and peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Anxiety Disorders, the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, and the Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine.

For nearly 30 years, I've treated patients with severe mental illness like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, depression, and substance abuse at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs and in private practice.

Taxpayer, I'm sounding the alarm because the NIH is about to vastly increase spending on the worst primate experiments in the entire federal government — just like its notorious Fear Factory.


That's what we just exposed to NBC News, the Washington Times, Congress, and millions of taxpayers.

Taxpayer, have you seen the NIH's secret "Fear Factory" videos yet?

Intelligent and sensitive primates are locked in solitary confinement. They're chained by the neck. They're unable to escape.

Then, government "White Coats" deliberately frighten them with snakes and spiders in fear tests. Some terrified victims even rip out their own hair.

Taxpayer, this NIH Fear Factory video is one of the worst things I've ever watched. You wouldn't wish this kind of psychological torment on your worst enemy.

But Taxpayer, this frightening fact might be even worse: NIH's maximum pain experiments on primates are increasing at an alarming rate — up a whopping 370%!

Unless we take immediate action, the government will spend even more on labs like NIH's Fear Factory.

And Taxpayer, Congress is about to set the NIH's budget.

DEADLINE: Taxpayer, I'm getting behind White Coat Waste Project (WCW) because it's leading the fight to cut the root of this problem: wasteful government spending. Will you join me?

Taxpayer, NIH's "Fear Factory" has been funded with our tax money for over two decades.

Yet, in my career, I've never once consulted this "research" to guide my clinical decisions.

As a psychologist, I don't trust that the government's data from terrified monkeys has any medical use for my human patients.

And as a scientist, I can tell you: the most effective way to end any government animal experiment is to stop its tax funding.

Taxpayer, that's why WCW is campaigning to strip every red cent where it matters most: Congress!

Don't think it can be done, Taxpayer?

Only four years ago, the government ended all chimpanzee abuse in federal labs after determining it was unnecessary and unethical.

And Taxpayer, WCW recently ended the FDA's $5.5 million nicotine addiction tests on baby monkeys and retired the survivors to a Florida sanctuary... for the first time ever!

DEADLINE: When you rush your most generous gift, we'll do it again for the primates still tormented by snakes and spiders at NIH's Fear Factory!


After WCW took the secret "Fear Factory" videos to Congressman Matt Gaetz, he declared: "These ridiculous NIH primate experiments do not deserve taxpayers' support."

He's right. 25 years is long enough!

DEADLINE: If you agree, please rush your most generous gift to rally all 535 Members of Congress... before NIH's budget is set.

Taxpayer, that's why I'm getting behind WCW to end this nightmare... and you should too.

Dr. Radnitz
Dr. Cynthia Radnitz
Advisory Board
White Coat Waste Project

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The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
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