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Be Thankful in Spite of the Chaos

Kurt Schlichter

Give Thanks Though the World Is Burning

Spencer Brown

Five Things to Be Thankful for Today

Derek Hunter

Can Europe Become Western Again?

Victor Davis Hanson

CNBC Walks Away From Climate Reporting

Brad Slager

Have an Attitude of Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Cal Thomas

How Has This Vulgar Trump/Republican Hating 'News Director' Kept His Job?

Larry Elder

Why Marxism/Communism Fails, Part Three

Mark Lewis

Give Thanks to the Founders

Michael Barone

Mossad Has Been Given Instructions to Hunt Down Hamas Leaders Living in Luxury

Katie Pavlich

Tucker Carlson Offers Grim Warning for the U.S. In 2024

Sarah Arnold

Republicans in South Carolina Just Scored a Historic Win

Matt Vespa

You Can Thank Pete Buttigieg For Your Thanksgiving Travel Nightmares

Sarah Arnold

3 of the People Biden Idolized During 'Transgender Day of Remembrance' Died Attacking Innocent People

Sarah Arnold

Miami Turns Red

Sarah Arnold

Democrat Attacks Kamala Harris Following Scathing Joe Biden Dig

Sarah Arnold

Lives Bereft of Meaning

Laura Hollis

A Thanksgiving Lesson From Grateful and Prepared American Families

Veronique de Rugy

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, If You Can

Jeff Davidson

Changes in Gratitude, Changes in Attitude

Kathryn Lopez

A Pro-Family Tax Package for the Holidays

Jon Schweppe

Thanksgiving Isn’t a Relic of the Past, It’s a Celebration of Our Future

Herbie Newell

Giving Thanks for Our…Pain

Jack Kerwick

Is Self-Sufficiency Killing Our Gratitude?

James Spencer

Thanksgiving As a Way of Life

Jerry Newcombe

Faith, Leadership, and the Remnant of Pilgrims That Are Rising

Mark Hancock

New Niagara Falls Video Footage Casts Doubt on Initial Terrorism Claims

Matt Vespa

All-Girls College to Admit 'Trans Women'

Madeline Leesman

House Ethics Committee Makes Decision Regarding Jamaal Bowman Pulling Fire Alarm

Rebecca Downs

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Huge: Fourth Circuit Declares Maryland's 'Handgun Qualification License' Unconstitutional |
Court Says Screw Gun Owner Privacy in California |
Guess What Happened to Violent Crime Rates After Ohio Adopted Permitless Carry? |
Gun Put to Manager's Head, 100 Firearms Stolen in Michigan |
Intruder Shot by Florida Homeowner Had Just Been Released on Bail |
Guns Recovered in Human Trafficking Bust |