From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject A quick note before the holiday.
Date November 22, 2023 11:39 PM
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It’s quiet at home today — calm before the storm, I guess. So I wanted to send you a quick note before we take some time off with our families and loved ones.

I missed a few Thanksgivings while I was in the Marines, whether I was on duty or deployed overseas. We’d observe it in our own way, but obviously it’s never the same as being home. You miss it a lot.

With tensions around the world as high as they are, a lot of brave people are overseas right now. They’ll be spending Thanksgiving with their brothers and sisters in arms, but I know they’ll be missing home.

So, today and tomorrow, I hope you’ll think of them and remember how lucky we are that they’re holding the line, keeping us safe.

And one final thing — thanks for sticking with me. I didn’t know what to expect when I launched this campaign, but having your support means a lot to me.

Hope you have a safe, happy, and restful Thanksgiving.


🌵 Before you go! 🌵

Can you take a minute to personally endorse Ruben’s campaign for U.S. Senate in Arizona? It’s a small act, but it speaks volumes about the campaign we’re trying to build.

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