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USA Today Released Two Opposing Immigration Editorials

USA Today released two opinion editorials Monday: "Tight Labor Market is the Best Social Policy," by Mark Krikorian, and "Legal Immigration Can Ease Labor Shortages," by the USA Today Editorial Board.

In the first column, Krikorian, of the Center for Immigration Studies, says:

"...Mulvaney's comments [about America needing more immigrants] aren't just bad politics; they're also bad policy. The clamor for more immigration comes from industry lobbyists complaining that their clients - agriculture, landscaping, hospitality, construction, etc. - are having a hard time finding staff in a tight labor market."

In the second editorial, the USA Today Editorial Board said:

"Our country is full," President Donald Trump has said several times.

That's hardly the case. There are more job openings (6.4 million) than there are people looking for work (5.8 million), according to the latest Labor Department figures. Friday's federal jobs report showed employment rising by 273,000 in February and the jobless rate little changed at 3.5%, a 50-year low.

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Both Op-Eds have poll questions for readers to vote on. As of this writing, 78% "strongly agree" with Krikorian's op-ed; 65% "strongly disagree" with the USA Today editorial. Click on the editorials below to vote!

Krikorian Op-Ed

USA Today Editorial

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