The series, which will be available to stream on April 15, takes an in-depth look at why the journey to justice can be so long and difficult. The series features Innocence Project co-founders and special counsel Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld, and other experts as they fight for justice on behalf of those who have been wrongfully convicted.
"This is truly important television. Each episode reveals — step by step — how the American criminal justice system gets it wrong."
Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld
"The Innocence Files" focuses on three different causes of wrongful conviction: prosecutorial misconduct, eyewitness misidentification and the use of unreliable or unvalidated forensic science. Split into three parts — The Evidence, The Witness and The Prosecution — the series follows the individual stories of people fighting to prove their innocence including Chester Hollman III, Kenneth Wyniemko, Alfred Dewayne Brown, Thomas Haynesworth, Franky Carrillo, Levon Brooks, Kennedy Brewer and Keith Harward.
We’re honored to have been a part of this project, and we can’t wait to share the finished product with youl. Keep an eye out for more details soon — and, in the meantime, make sure to share the news on Twitter with the hashtag #TheInnocenceFiles.
The Innocence Project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.