I am very grateful for the opportunity to represent our great state in the United States Senate. It's the honor of my lifetime to serve the state where I was raised and where Christie and I now raise our family. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity.
I hope you will join me in pausing to reflect on life's many blessings this week. Every day, I wake up and say, "Love the people, love the call." I received this message from the Lord many years ago, and it has continued to guide my life ever since.
As we count our blessings, I ask that you say a prayer for our men and women in uniform and their families. Our Armed Forces put their lives on the line to ensure we can live free in the greatest country in the world. And to our Gold Star families who have an empty seat at their table: May God continue to comfort you and grant you peace. You always remain in our hearts. Additionally, please say a prayer for our law enforcement officers, firemen and women, and first responders who make it their mission to keep our communities safe. The Oklahoma Standard is all around us if we take a moment to look.
Happy Thanksgiving, Oklahoma. From our family to yours.
