CP activists gather to build the peace movement

By Cameron Orr

Grassroots activists from around the country met in New York City November 11–12 for a Communist Party USA peace conference. Responding to Israel’s razing of Gaza, the conference focused on demanding a ceasefire. “I really feel that we’re united and determined in this effort,” CPUSA co-chair Rossana Cambron remarked.

Women’s equality: the economics of war and peace

By Lisa Armstrong

As fascism's financial backers seek to replace the democratic process with direct rule, Communists add to the defense of democracy its class content.


Good Morning, Revolution! Building a working class peace movement edition

By Communist Party USA

The ceasefire movement continues to grow, the disability rights movement takes a step forward, Xi–Biden meet, and mailbag.


Trump crosses the line, embraces Nazi ideology

By Alan Singer

If a person shows you what they are, believe them.

The cost of silencing voices for peace

By Taryn Fivek

The repression of the peace movement at home, and U.S. support for Israel's bombing of Gaza, threatens to hand the 2024 elections to the MAGA right.

Urgent Appeal from the Palestinian Democratic Coalition

By Palestinian Democratic Coalition

The democratic alliance which includes the Palestinian People's Party calls for urgent actions to halt Israel's aggression, lift the siege on Gaza, and implement international laws.


Ohio CP to state treasurer: disinvest in Israel Bonds

By CPUSA, Ohio District

The Ohio CP is demanding the state of Ohio disinvest from the government of Israel.

CPUSA co-chair Joe Sims delivers peace conference summary

By Communist Party USA

2023 CPUSA Peace Conference summary from party co-chair Joe Sims.

Palestinian People’s Party leader addresses CPUSA Peace Conference

By Communist Party USA

Dr. Aqel Taqaz, International Secretary of the Palestenian People's Party addresses the CPUSA Peace Conference on November 12th, 2023.

Israeli CP leader speaks at the CPUSA Peace Conference

By Communist Party USA

Communist Party of Israel and Hadash leader Aida Touma-Sliman gives her remarks to the 2023 CPUSA Peace Conference.

Dear John,

Are you engaged in creating our working-class culture? Please provide short videos or pictures showcasing your artistic talents (from music, to drawing, to dance, to jewelry design, to oratory). We are collecting pictures and videos of original working-class art to assess the range of talent we have within and around our ranks. We invite you to share with us depictions of your working-class themed artwork.

Please complete this two-minute form to submit your artwork.

You may also email [email protected] with any additional pictures, short videos (no more than a few minutes), or other artwork you are able to provide. We would like to encourage your immediate response as soon as you are able.

Thank you!

Erik Gersovitz, for the
Working Class Project

As Marx famously wrote, "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." When you join the CPUSA, you will be connected with a local club engaged in daily on-the-ground struggles for a better world. That is where the rubber meets the road, and our working class and people need you in the fight.

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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