Thanksgiving is coming up – and, for many of us, it means dealing with Lefty family and friends who struggling with reality.
Shift Washington

Thanksgiving is coming up – and, for many of us, it means dealing with Lefty family and friends who struggling with reality. That’s why we’re bringing back a blast from Shift’s past and reviving our “Crazy Liberal Uncle Survival Guide.”

Without further ado, a few tips for holiday gatherings:

When your crazy uncle starts singing the praises of Jay Inslee, drop these undeniable facts:
  • Remind him that Inslee's stellar management at Western State Hospital cost us $53 million in federal money. Cha-ching!
  • Mention the democratic paradise Inslee created during his 975-day one-man “emergency powers” rule – who needs checks and balances anyway?
  • And let's not forget his stellar oversight at the Department of Corrections, where a mere "13-year-long error" led to the early release of 3,700 inmates. Whoopsie daisy!
And, should your crazy uncle begin congratulating Washington Democrats for their many “green” achievements, hit back with these hard truths:
  • The Democrats’ carbon tax is adding 50-cents-plus per gallon to gas prices today, with no relief in sight. Happy pumping for working families across Washington!
  • The Department of Ecology scraped its own website of any mention of progress on Gov. Inslee’s environmental goals – and after KING 5 caught Gov. Inslee in a web of deceit about that website, the governor’s office now refuses to talk with the station about the state’s own goals. 
When your crazy uncle denies the surge in crime, or says Republicans are just fearmongering, deal out these realities:
  • Pierce County alone saw a 110% spike in stolen vehicles. All thanks to Democrat laws preventing police pursuit of car thieves, of course.
  • Tacoma and Seattle are both breaking homicide records – nothing like a nostalgic tie to the good ol' days of the gang-banging ’80’s.
  • And who could forget the failed law banning law enforcement pursuits? Democrats sure did when they refused to amend it after it clearly backfired.