
November 22, 2023

?Governor Walz Orders Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter

Governor Tim Walz has ordered all United States and Minnesota flags to fly at half-staff at all state buildings in the State of Minnesota from sunrise on Saturday, November 25, until the day of interment to honor the life and legacy of former First Lady Rosalynn Carter.

?As a tireless humanitarian, former First Lady Rosalynn Carter embodied courage, grit, and integrity. She fought tirelessly for those values until the end of her life, setting an example we should all seek to follow,? said Governor Walz. ?We?re so grateful for her service to our country.?

?First Lady Rosalynn Carter was an inspiration. A true partner to her husband, and not just during the White House years,? said Lieutenant Governor Flanagan. ?I?m grateful for the example she set as a First Lady not afraid to get involved in important issues, like access to mental health care, and also her deep commitment to and love for President Carter. Our country is better because of her.?

Individuals, businesses, and other organizations are also encouraged to join in lowering their flags.

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