John, Ted Cruz is attacking Colin Allred's campaign for U.S. Senate and spreading bold-faced lies. He's terrified of our movement. Colin needs your help to fight back. Can you help us raise $50,000 today by splitting a donation with Serve America? Donate now →

Experts at FiveThirtyEight are saying Texas may be Democrats’ BEST pick-up opportunity in 2024, and Ted Cruz is going on the offensive because he’s terrified that Colin has a real chance of winning this thing.

We know Republicans are hell-bent on flipping the Senate next year – but if we win in Texas, Democrats are virtually guaranteed to defend the Senate!

Look, Colin is running a grassroots campaign. He's not taking a dime from corporations or special interests because he believes lawmakers should only be beholden to the people they serve – not wealthy donors.

That's why your support is so important, John.

We're building a people-powered movement from the ground up, and it's going to take a historic outpouring of grassroots support to compete with Cruz and his mega donors. So please, will you rush $20, or whatever you can spare today, split with Serve America, to help Colin stand up to the GOP's attacks, defeat Ted Cruz and protect our Senate majority? →

Every single dollar counts in our fight to flip Texas blue. Thanks for giving what you can.

Team Allred