Dear John,
In case you missed it...this week the Voices for Human Needs blog shares ten things we're thankful for this holiday season. And we release CHN's latest Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship, which this week looks at the benefits of two key nutrition programs -- and the threats they face. Please share!
This week on the blog...
Ten things we're thankful for this Thanksgiving
November 22
Higher costs for basic needs continue to make life difficult for many Americans – so does the end of many pandemic-era programs that helped people access health care, put food on the table, afford child care, and so much more. Wars rage in Ukraine, in the Middle East, and elsewhere. It seems as if more refugees are displaced every day, and sometimes it feels like climate change might make refugees of us all. And yet: there are things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Here are ten things that come to mind to those of us at CHN. READ MORE »
CHN's Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship
November 20
The giving thanks edition. This week, Americans will gather with their family and friends in a spirit of camaraderie and companionship – and hopefully, some really good food! Many of you may have things for which you are thankful. A roof over your head. Food on the table. The ability to meet household expenses. Time away from work to be with your loved ones. But millions of Americans don’t have that minimal security. READ MORE »
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