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November 22, 2023

Rebuilding Trust in Science
Join us on December 7

Since before the pandemic we have been experiencing a breakdown in trust in science and health care. Join us to explore the reasons for this crisis, with authors of a just-released Hastings Center special report on trust, who will show a path forward to heal our fractured society. Thursday, December 7, at 1 pm Eastern time. Learn more and register.

Enacting a Right to Health Care
No need to reinvent the wheel

What does it mean to enact a right to health care? How can health care organizations effectively address social drivers of health? “Scholars in bioethics who are committed to redressing health injustices can learn much from our colleagues in community health who have made justice the centerpiece of their mission from the get-go,” writes Hastings Center research scholar Carolyn P. Neuhaus in the Hastings Center Report. There’s no need “to reinvent the wheel.” Neuhaus leads projects on bioethics and community health, looking at issues such as genomics research and Covid vaccination, with support from the Greenwall Foundation and the National Human Genome Research Institute. Read the article. (Subscription required.)

Gaps Revealed in Research on Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Implications for clinical guidelines and policymaking 

There are important gaps in the literature on the ethical, legal, and social implications of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), finds a recent analysis by Hastings Center President Vardit Ravitsky and colleagues. “Some important issues are not being explored enough in research studies, especially those related to equitable access to these technologies, and the level of knowledge people have about them,” said Ravitsky in an interview with Medical Ethics Advisor. Moreover, more than 70% of the research came from North America and Western Europe. “This means that not all cultural perspectives and values are represented in an area that requires a lot of cultural sensitivity. Read the Medical Ethics Advisor article.

Looking Forward and Outward in These Critical Times
Help advance our mission 

Since 1969, The Hastings Center has been a leading voice in addressing emerging questions in bioethics, while inviting the broader public to help inform our work. Across these topics, new value conflicts and moral uncertainties continually arise with the emergence of novel technologies, increased focus on ethical issues related to population (in addition to individual) health, and political polarization confronting our society. Philanthropy supports about 45% of our efforts to respond to the most pressing ethical challenges confronting society today. As we consider how we should illuminate and help address these challenges, will you help advance our mission with a gift this year? Learn more and make a donation.

The Hastings Center seeks to ensure responsible health and science policy and practice. We work to secure the wisest possible use of emerging technologies and fair, compassionate, and just health care for people across their lifespan.
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